WelcomeRed Bluff Junior Round UpTehama District Fairgrounds
We are the largest Jr Round-Up in CA. We promote healthy youth activities by engaging them in fun events that are a part our lives and local history. We host two event each year: Red Bluff Junior Round-Up & Cattle Days. In addition, we host our Annual George Growney Memorial Scholarship Dinner & Auction. Please look through the information on this site to find out more about these events for our children.
DINNER & AUCTION•Scholarship Application•Silent Auction Donor Form
32 Annual Cattle DaysFebruary 2026Rolling Hills Casino, Corning CA
2025 - 2026 RBJRU RoyaltyLittle MissHadlee FieldsJr Princess Cadence AlexanderJr QueenQuincee HiltonSenior Princess Liv MattinglySenior QueenAlaina Scott
The Biggest JuniorRodeo in California!
WelcomeRed Bluff Junior Round UpTehama District Fairgrounds
We are the largest Jr Round-Up in CA. We promote healthy youth activities by engaging them in fun events that are a part our lives and local history. We host two event each year: Red Bluff Junior Round-Up & Cattle Days. In addition, we host our Annual George Growney Memorial Scholarship Dinner & Auction. Please look through the information on this site to find out more about these events for our children.